Servicing you with
Integrity, Confidence & Grit
Selling your home with me will bring you
Ease, Knowledge, & Confidence
My goal is to sell your home for the highest possible price, while providing you with knowledge, streamlined communication, and ease throughout the process.
My comprehensive knowledge of the real estate business and partnerships within the real estate community allows me to offer more of a holistic approach to meet the individual needs of each of my clients.
Top Seller Resources
Navigating the 2024 Real Estate Landscape
The real estate market has undergone several notable shifts over the past few years. From its already competitive 2019 conditions, it continued to heat up in mid-2020 despite the pandemic. Demand for homes increased, yet available inventory struggled to keep pace, contributing to a significant surge in home prices. According
How Single Women Are Transforming the Real Estate Market
According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) 2022 trend report, 19 percent of recent homebuyers were single women, in contrast to 9 percent of single male homebuyers. Why are so many more women buying homes of their own—and what does this mean for sellers who want to appeal to this
Do You Know the Difference Between a Real Estate Agent and a Broker?
When it comes to the real estate world, there are literally hundreds of different terms and phrases, so it can be hard to keep it all on track. But if you’re in the process of buying or selling, it’s imperative to understand the different roles and responsibilities of those helping
What My Sellers Are Saying
Action Plan & Marketing Strategy
Providing you with a Personalized Marketing Plan of exceptional quality. Just as each one of my clients is unique, so are their home and goals.
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Home Walk Through
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Listing Price & Timeline
Action Plan,
& Pre Marketing Plan
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Who You Work with
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I know what sellers are looking for in an offer and a buyer’s team.
My knowledge of what is on and off the market as well as my connectedness within the agent community, professionalism, negotiation skills, and aggressive strategic planning gives your offer a competitive edge over others.
Once you’ve worked with me, you are considered a client for life, I will be a constant resource for you well after you receive the keys to your new home.
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Top Buyer Resources
What’s Next for the Real Estate Market and How Will It Impact Buyers?
We’ve all heard the outrageous stories of tumbledown houses selling for record-high prices, dozens of multiple offers within hours of a new listing hitting the MLS, and bonuses and incentives to sweeten the pot from hyper-competitive buyers. Will conditions improve in 2022 for homebuyers searching for their next home? According
An Overview of Common Real Estate Contingencies
When a real estate agent or broker puts together the purchase agreement for your home, they will talk with you about a variety of supporting and supplemental documents. These may include a letter from your lender, the payment of an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), and, in most cases, one or
How to Love Working from Home
Today, more people than ever are working from home, whether full-time or part-time. According to a Gallup poll, almost half of full-time workers, 45 percent, now work remotely at least some of the time. If you find yourself telecommuting more often but miss working in an office outside the home,
What My Buyers Are Saying
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provided below
- Decluttering
- Organizing
- Staging
- Deep Clean
- Painting
- Moving & Storage